I want it all...and then some

Music is life. It speaks to my soul. 

I know I've written about it before but this time, it's about a specific song. I heard it the other day and it captured me. It sucked me in. I didn't know who sang it or what it was called but the melody was repeating itself over and over in my brain. Well, today while working at my desk, I heard it again. 

"I want it all" by The Script.

I dowloaded it and listened to it over and over. Eyes closed, I let it speak to me. I needed to figure out the words...they were so profound and each time, I felt a deeper connection. How have I never heard this song before? The Script is one of my favorite bands - their music is on point, every song is perfection. I don't know how I missed this one, but I was sold on it. 

It speaks my life out loud. It speaks the words on my heart that I wish he knew. The thing about music is that somedays it's about getting lost in the song and other days it's about connecting with the lyrics. This is one of those songs that I connected with the lyrics in the most vivid way and once I understood it fully, the music became an emotional impact on me. 

Every word is spot on. 

"You're not just someone I can live with,
You're someone I can't live without.
Not just someone I can be with, 
You're someone I can't be without,
And I will stop at nothing, 'cause I know you're the one,
I wan't it all, and then some...
I wan't it all, and then some."

And more than just these words that I discovered today...it brought hope back into my heart.

Friends, I wish great things for you. Now excuse me while I go fall into the music and dream of brighter days ahead. 

Because someday, I know that I WILL have it all....and then some. 



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