My Tribe

Friends, do you have a tribe? Do you have people there to catch your fall, to listen to your ramblings, to love you fiercely through life? If not a tribe, do you have a person? That one support person that is there for every high and every low? Someone who knows you better than you know yourself? Someone who never leaves?

If the answer is no, then let me be your person. 

I will walk with you in the trenches and help you claw your way out of the darkness. I will be your voice when you feel so broken that you can't speak. I will be your compass when you feel lost and alone in the world. I will be the wall you can lean on when you're tired and you can't stand. I will sit with you in silence and I will celebrate every victory. I will hold your hand while you cry and I will hug all your broken pieces back together. Let me be your person and I will help you build your tribe. 

Everyone needs a tribe and I am so grateful for mine. 

A simple text. A short video message. A quick FB meme. A group Happy Hour. A letter in the mail....These amazing humans have been my rock. 

They have been my shoulder to cry on, my word vomit punching bag, my no judgement sounding board and my biggest supporters. They are there, every minute of the day, to help build me up when I fall, talk me off the ledge, call out my bullshit and just love me unconditionally. They show up for my kids, they drive hundreds of miles just to hug me, they send care packages to my doorstep and they bless my life in ways I could never repay them. Even though we live in different states, I know they are there for me no matter what and I am there for them. Forever and for always. 

I know that I don't deserve them but I am so very grateful for my tribe.

If you have a tribe, love them hard. If you have a person, love them harder. For one day, that person will multiply into a tribe and you will feel like you struck gold. 



  1. Awww I am so thankful that I get to have you in my tribe!! I don't have a huge one, but I love my tribe fiercely, including you!!
    Thanks for always being wonderful and one of the coolest people in my life!


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