Cancer. It's a disease that affects millions all over the world and I am sure that you know someone whose been impacted by it. Maybe you have personal experience with it. Maybe you are a lucky one who has survived it. I am one of those lucky ones. To hear your name attached to a word that is the deadliest disease known to mankind, is scary as hell. One doctors appointment, one pregnancy, one miracle diagnosis changed the trajectory of my life. At 26 years old, this was not how I saw my future. To be perfectly honest, I never thought in a million years this would be my life path. I guess I was naive or maybe I just took my health for granted. Either way, there is nothing in any book or movie that can prepare anyone for what happens to you when you get a medical diagnosis such as this. So many people think that one surgery, one medication or one diagnosis is no big deal. Well, I am here to prove you wrong. It's so much more than that. It's the dozens of ...
Page 366 of 366...who else is ready to close this book? 2020 - what a year it's been. I am not going to write about how great or awful it was because this past year has affected us all in many different ways. It's brought all of us different things and we've all gone through so much, in our own ways. I speak the truth when I say that 2020 was definitely not a "one size fits all" and more than a few of us won't miss it. For me, I am ready for this story to end. I am ready to start the new year. I am ready for all that is to come. I won't claim this as "my year", but I will embrace each new journey, each new idea, and each new memory to come. Goodbye 2020. Hello 2021. xoxo, T
When you have school aged children, especially elementary, it's amazing how much stuff they bring home from school on a weekly basis. When I was kid, I remember cleaning out our desks and backpacks maybe once a month or once a quarter. I guess times have changed! If I don't clean out my daughters's backpack on a semi weekly basis, I might find living things in there building little nests out of who knows what! I really hope that others feel me on this...or is it just my kid? This weekend while cleaning out her school-to-home folder, I found this gem of a paper. It was a little bit of a time capsule, if you will. There were two columns on this paper...on one side were a few "current favorites" and on the other, a few "predictions for the future." When looking it over, there was one thing that stuck out to me and blessed my heart so much! Out of all things on this paper, was her answer to Favorite holiday/celebration and she wrote "b-day!" Most...
It's late, but I hope your Christmas was amazing!