
Showing posts from November, 2020

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

Happy Thanksgiving Day, friends!  I know this year is unlike any other and I know so many plans have changed. However, no matter how you choose to celebrate, I hope that you give thanks. Give thanks to family. Thanks to friends. Thanks to love. Thanks to happiness. Thanks to the things that mean the most to you.    I hope that you look around, where ever you are, and you choose to be grateful. Be grateful for today. Grateful for your loved ones. Grateful for amazing friendships. Grateful for your career. Grateful for a place to lay your head at night. Grateful for food on your table. Grateful for all the things in your life - no matter how big or small.     And before you go to bed and kiss today farewell, I hope that you realize all that you are blessed with.  Blessed to live this incredible life. Blessed for your health. Blessed for your successes and your failures. Blessed with amazing people who love you. Blessed by the dreams of tomorrow and the accomplishments of today. Blessed w

Missing you

Friends, have you ever missed someone? I mean, deeply and fiercely missed someone? Just the thought of them brings tears to your eyes - for all the right reasons? Whomever it may be...a loved one, a friend, a former flame, or a family member. Have you truly missed someone to the point where it consumes every part of you?   That’s where my head space is at today...missing someone so very much.  It’s been 17 years. 17 long years and I am missing them something fierce today. Like I’ve never missed anything in my life. I can’t stop thinking about them, dreaming about them, “seeing” them in my daily life. I’ve missed others before, but never like this. This person is (was) special.  They were my person. They knew every dark secret, they knew every victory and we had so many plans for so much more. They were the one who cheered me up when I was having a bad day or would call just to say hi and ask how my day was. They loved my son like their very own. We spent every waking moment together th

The Power of Music

The other day, I watched the 'Greatest Showman' with my daughter. I've seen it many times before, but that day, it struck all the chords. For every song, I closed my eyes, and just let myself be.  I felt it. All the words. Like they were speaking directly to my soul.  And I cried.  Have you ever just listened to the words of a song and they brought on a whole new meaning? Like, you've heard the song a thousand times before, and just sang along but never really processed the lyrics? The true meaning of the song?  Music is my escape. It's my "thing" healing power, my super-power, my voice. It's my heart spilled out into a hundred different verses and genres. And yet, it's my kryptonite. It gets me every time. Every time I turn on a music app, it knows just want I need. Every.single.time.  I was talking with a friend today about this very thing. How something so powerful, yet simple, can take a grown women to her knees. How it can be and say all

Welcome to my happy place

Dear friends,   Welcome to my happy place!   I've always had a passion for writing and loving on people. I believe that to be the best version of YOU, you have to have balance in your life, and do the things YOU need that make YOU happy. Self love and self care are so important to the mind, body and soul...and writing is that for me.   What started out as a thought, turned into a dream, and eventually lead me here…to this space. A new Journey. A safe space to express my thoughts, my feelings, and share with the world the positive vibes that we all so desperately need.   But this is your space too.   Here you are free to be your brave, strong, beautiful, imperfectly flawed self. No judgment, no apologies. Together, we will cry, laugh, love and grow. So open your heart and give yourself permission to feel all the feels…and always remember to love YOU first!   I am so happy that you are here. Grab a seat and stay awhile. This is just the beginning!    xoxo,   T