Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

Happy Thanksgiving Day, friends! 

I know this year is unlike any other and I know so many plans have changed. However, no matter how you choose to celebrate, I hope that you give thanks.

Give thanks to family. Thanks to friends. Thanks to love. Thanks to happiness. Thanks to the things that mean the most to you.  

I hope that you look around, where ever you are, and you choose to be grateful.

Be grateful for today. Grateful for your loved ones. Grateful for amazing friendships. Grateful for your career. Grateful for a place to lay your head at night. Grateful for food on your table. Grateful for all the things in your life - no matter how big or small.   

And before you go to bed and kiss today farewell, I hope that you realize all that you are blessed with. 

Blessed to live this incredible life. Blessed for your health. Blessed for your successes and your failures. Blessed with amazing people who love you. Blessed by the dreams of tomorrow and the accomplishments of today. Blessed with all the love in your heart. 

Friends, while you give thanks, show gratitude and understand how blessed you are, I hope that you remember the most important of them all...


I am so thankful for you and your friendship; I am so grateful for you and your support; and I am so blessed by you and your love. YOU are amazing and there is no one else like you on this earth. YOU are truly something special - never ever forget that! 



  1. Believe me, there are so many people in your life that feel so amazingly blessed that you are in their world. We are all so thankful for YOU!


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