Another Surgery

For about the last 5 years, I've battled with pain off and on. My body hasn't worked right. There are periods of time when things are great and then there are times when I can't do much of anything. I've gained weight. I've been exhausted. I've gone days feeling worthless and lazy. I've had moments where the tears just flow. I've been sick more times than I can count and been on so many antibiotics for different things. Since moving to a new state, I just never felt heard by medical professionals. There is something wrong...why won't anyone listen! 

Then I found a new doctor. On day one, she looked at me and said "I am so sorry. You don't have to feel like this anymore. We can help you!"

And so started the cluster of appointments and referral to a specialist. The endless pokes and pricks. The many lab tests, blood draws, ultrasounds, and scopes. I felt like a pin cushion. With so many questions and very few answers, little by little they started uncovering the issues. With each new appointment was a new prescription. Until finally, they think they found the root cause. However, the only way to "fix" it was through surgery. 

And so I scheduled it.

I'm a mess. I'm stressed about missing work and about all the stuff that will pile up when I'm gone. I have no idea how I will manage the kids' sports activities, their appointments or their school events. I'm worried about managing all the things on my own. The thought of having another surgery is hard to process. I'm scared, nervous, and anxious about the procedure and the recovery. But mostly, I feel relieved. I feel grateful for my doctors who listened and validated me. They didn't stop searching for answers. They didn't tell me I was crazy. They've done this surgery a hundred or more times and they promise it will be worth it in the end. 

And so I am choosing to believe that. 

Surgery is scheduled for March 29th. Pre-op is on my birthday. In less than 30 days, I will be on the road to recovery...and I am more than ready to feel "normal" again. 

Thank you for your love and support, my friends. More updates to come. 



  1. You do know that no matter what I am here for you in whatever capacity you need. You're so strong and amazing and such an inspiration!

    I got you kid!


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