A Year Ago

A year ago today, I packed up and moved to a new state. I put everything I owned in my car and my trailer, and drove 7 hours east. I left everything I've ever known behind...my family, my oldest boy, my beautiful perfect house, my friends, my neighbors, my job and so much more. 

For 36 years, I lived in the same state. My entire life. One state. And I never thought I would leave.

But it was time. 

If you know me and know what the last couple of years have been like in my personal life, then you already know why. But there have been some who have asked me why I left. There are others who wondered what I was running from. Some called me foolish. Some said I was so strong. Some thought it was a joke and some even went as far as to cut me off. I guess that's how I knew that I was making the right choice. 

I've said it a hundred times or more, but my kids mean the world to me. I would do anything and everything for them...To protect them. To fight for their rights. To stand for their freedoms. To make them happy. To give them a better life; forever and always.

And that was the most important thing on my heart. I wanted a better life for them...and for me. 

I started chasing my own happiness. I wanted freedoms my current state didn't offer...and might never again. I needed to rescue my kids. I needed to break free from the chains that held me down and kept me captive in my own home. I needed to be brave and prove to myself that I could stand on my own two feet. 

And I did. And after day one, I knew it was the right choice and I never looked back. 

A year ago today, I did what so many said I wouldn't. I took action. I wanted more for my life and more for my kids and I jumped...so far outside of my comfort zone and I landed on my own two feet. With a cocktail in my hand and a tiara on my head.

Today, I am so proud of all I have accomplished. I have an amazing job that I absolutely love. I have a beautiful home thats in my name. My kids are thriving and have made some incredible friends. My daughter is killing it out on the soccer field and my son's middle school football team went undefeated! I've experienced some breathtaking sunsets, hiked some beautiful landscape and met some really awesome people. I've had some great nights laughing with friends and spent countless days laughing with my kids.

And if I had to do it all over again, I would in heart beat. Even if it meant experiencing all the heartache and loss. Even through the pain and battling the desires to just throw in the towel and move back home. Even through the sleepless nights where I cried myself to sleep, lonely, in a bed to myself. Even in the times where I felt so stupid and didn't know how I was going to make it. Even when I really thought a miracle was going to happen and then he broke my heart into a million pieces once again. 

I would still do it all over again, no questions asked. 

Because living your best life means experiencing ALL the things and I am so grateful for every second of it spent here. This place brings me joy and I am so blessed that I get to call this state my home. 



  1. I am so happy for you that you have these wonderful things to help bring peace to your life! You live in an amazing place and you are a wonderful lady! We are all so so lucky to know you!


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