Embrace the New

Happy New Year, friends!! We've closed out 2021...good riddance...and said hello to 2022! I've told you all before that I am not that "New Year, New Me" kinda girl. Thats not my jam. However, something is to be said about saying adios to the shit show that was the last two years. I am still me (like it or not)...but sometimes new everything else is desperately needed.  

Friends, 2021 was a HARD year. It challenged me in ways that I was not prepared or ready for. It stretched me - emotionally, mentally and physically - and left me with both memories and scars. I am not ready yet to say 'thank you'...but maybe someday, I will be. Maybe someday, I can forgive the heartbreak, the pain, the lessons, and the misfortunes and I can smile at the good times, the adventures and the many memories of friendship and laughter. For now, I am just so grateful that the one last punch to the gut by the hardest year on record, spared the life of my little brother. I don't know that I would have survived the 4th death of a family member just 7 days before it all ended...so I assure you that I stayed up to make absolute sure it ended. 

And it did. 

And with the start of 2022, the "new" can begin. 

And I am ready to embrace ALL of the new. 

I am ready for new adventures, new friendships, new beginnings and new hope. I am ready to try new things, visit new places, experience new challenges. I am ready for a new career, a fresh start and new neighbors. I am ready to smile more, cry less, laugh out loud and nurture new relationships. I am ready to set boundaries and say no to things that don't feed my soul but say yes to all the things that do. I am ready to chase new dreams, love new faces and celebrate new successes. I am ready for new activities, spontaneous road trips and living my best life.  I am ready to move forward and focus on new horizons. I am ready to start healing all thats been broken and learning to love myself through the process. I am ready for everything new, for not only me, but also for you. 

Friends, are you ready for the new? We can do this together! Take my hand, and one day at a time, we can make this brand new year whatever we want it to be. I encourage you to embrace the new...you've got this!



  1. I am soooooooo ready to embrace the new!!! I love the entire idea of it!!!


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