I. Am. Done.

A few years ago, I had the honor and privilege to listen to two very powerful motivational speakers. This husband and wife duo spoke many times throughout the years that I was involved with a company with them, and each time it was exactly what I needed. I never walked away with dry eyes. I always sat so intently, listening, and frantically writing pages of leadership nuggets. They were so inspirational and I made every effort, every time, to be in their presence. 

During one of those sessions, was a message that pierced me right in the gut. It was one of those 'slap me moments'...pinch me and make sure this is real life. It was so profound and struck all the nerves in me. I was frozen, stunned, in shock at the words she spoke. It's something that I have kept with me since that day and every so often, I have to remind myself of that message. 

"What you tolerate, you give permission to exist." - J.D.

We are in charge and we have the ability to CHOOSE what we want in our life. Most people will choose the things that are fulfilling and positive in their physical life. But when it comes to the things we TOLERATE, it consumes more of our mental and emotional capacity; both of which are so crucial to keeping our physical life in balance. So WHY are we tolerating the bullshit? Why are we tolerating that pain? Why are we tolerating the hurt, the betrayal, the lies, the bullies, the negativity, the devil on our shoulders? Why are we giving these negative life suckers permission to exist? The more you tolerate, the more it kills your joy.

For me personally, enough is enough. I am exhausted by it...all of it. It is time for me to draw a line in the sand and proclaim "No more. I am done." I am giving myself permission to release what I have tolerated for far too long and I am taking my joy back.

I. Am. Done. 

I am done tolerating the things that break me down. I am done tolerating the hurt and pain. I am done feeling like the punching bag for everyone else's bullshit. I am done trying to prove my worth. I am done holding on to the guilt that wasn't mine to begin with. I am done trying to love people who don't love me in return. I am done accepting the disrespect. I am done being lied to and stepped on. I am done feeling betrayed and angry. And I am done tolerating being second best...always.

Friends, what are you tolerating? What are YOU giving permission to exist in your life? If it's not love, kindness, positive vibes, self respect, loyalty, compassion, laughter, friendship and things that bring you joy....then it's time to draw your line in the sand and say "No more. I am done." 

Because you deserve to let only the good stuff in. 



  1. Such a great lesson. I had to learn this one the hard way, and unfortunately I did not even begin the lesson until after my divorce. My ex was a violent, hate filled woman with narcissistic traits. She was verbally abusive and money driven and to this day she still is. I damn near had a nervous breakdown by just starting my own bank account after the split! I know that sounds weird, but I was genuinely scared to do it because of the YEARS of programming I had been through to remove my spine and not challenge her in her anger.,

    I am past that now for sure. I can now see things so so much more clearly, and believe me sis, when you get through that fog, the view is INCREDIBLE.

    Life has taught me a lot of things. One thing I know to be true is that you are stronger than you can ever imagine you are, you are braver than you believe possible, and you are loved more deeply by the people that matter than you can possibly know. You impact so many lives with your joy, sense of humor and infectious laughter. Your passion for the people and things you love oozes out of the pores of your skin and we all see it.

    If you could only see you the way those of us that love you see you, you'd see that. You'd know that and believe me T, you'll rule the world when you start believing in you the way we all do.

    Until then, I got you sis. I will always be here to lend an ear, share a drink, be a friend and someone who supports you unconditionally without taking from you, I will remind you how wonderful you are, how important you are and how much we all love the hell outta you.

    Give that permission to exist. Give YOU permission to exist.

    Always got your 6.



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