All the broken pieces

My dear friend, I know you're hurting. I know you are searching for that one thing to keep you going. I know that you are one step away from losing all control. I know that your heart is weary and you feel isolated and unseen. I know that you're looking for someone to catch your fall. I know that you're ready to walk away from everything. 

And I don't blame you. Not for one second. 

I know that all the things you wished and hoped for didn't turn out like you thought. I know that you feel like you're everyones 'safe' plan. I know that you are alone and afraid. I know that you want things to be different. I know that you dream of more. I know that you pray for the day you can wake up from this bad nightmare. I know that you cry, alone, in the dark. I know it all feels like too much and that you think it will never get better.  

But it will get better. I promise. 

I don't know when and I don't know how. I don't even know what "it" looks like, but I believe in my heart, that there are better days ahead. 

Someday, someone will hug you so tight, that all your broken pieces will be put back together. Someone will make you the center of their world. Someone will wipe away all the tears of pain and hurt. Someone will make you their priority, instead of an option. Someone will love you in all the ways that you deserve. Someone will kiss away the past and build a new beginning. Someone will make the old memories a distant past...and create magical new ones. Someone will make you remember that you are worth the world. 

YES, they will. Just you wait. 

Stop comparing yourself - the real, honest, imperfect you - to someone else's perfectly controlled online life. Stop living the lies you tell yourself when you are alone. Stop being shackled to your fear and your pain. Stop being your own worst critic. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and start leaning on the ones who will kick your ass back into gear. Stop thinking the world is ending and your happily ever after doesn't exist. Stop thinking you failed. Stop beating yourself doesn't have to be like this. 

Sweet friend, YOU are worthy of everything. 

YOU are so strong. YOU can do hard things. YOU have what it takes inside of you to defeat the demons trying to control you. YOU are destined to shine. YOU are climbing mountains that you were only meant to carry for a short time, and YOU are conquering them. YOU are more than your broken pieces. YOU are a fighter. YOU are a doer. YOU are so brave. YOU have everything it takes to live the best life - you just need a gentle reminder that YOU are a badass. 

Look in the mirror...there is your sign. Repeat those words day in, and day out. Then write them down. Read them over and over until you believe it. Because friend, I will believe in you until you believe in you, too. 

Happily ever after does exist...fight for the fairy tale. 



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