The perfect vase

Pink, white and specks of grey; shimmering in the light. Perched up on the shelf, in its spot, for all to see. The most beautiful, perfect vase.  

One minute, it was there. The next minute, it was gone. 

But she didn't cry. She wasn't sad. It happened in slow motion, in her mind, like everything else in her life. With no explanation and seemingly without effort. There was nothing she could do except stare at the mess. 

All over the floor. 

Without emotion, she cleaned it up. Like she did with everything else. Alone. Cleaning up a mess that wasn't hers. 

As she was picking up the pieces, it hit. Was this a symbol of what was to come? Was this the universe silently screaming in her face "here is your sign!?" 

Why now? Why today?

The rollercoaster of emotions are enough to break her spirit. She feels like a rag doll, being drug through the mud. Torn into two, and being duct taped back together. 

When is enough, going to be enough? 

She can't do this anymore. She doesn't want to do this anymore. She misses the real her. She misses being happy. She misses who she was before she felt invisible. She wants to be free from the pain. 

Like the perfect vase that was on the shelf. Whole and living in all it's glory. Beautifully full of color. In peace. Full of love and cherished memories. 

Instead, she feels broken. Shattered. And all over the floor. 

One day, I hope she will see, she is someone else's perfect vase. 



  1. The universe, in all of it's seemingly randomness, sometimes has a plan. It can be ignored for a time, it can be put aside for a time, but it will always return to you and re-enforce the plan.

    Stay too long in the shadows, and you'll realize that the shadows are receding and the places they cover you are less and less. Remain silent too long and your voice, at one time timid and meek, will emerge from your chest as a lions roar.

    Take the signs, be bold, be brave and face your world on your terms. You only get on chance at happiness in this life. Only today will you ever be this old, this wise, this vibrant. When the chance for growth, no matter how scary or painful comes, you need to grasp it with both hands and wrestle it to the ground.

    You own this. You deserve this. You NEED this.

    Move with confidence into your scary, sometimes turbulent, glorious, beautiful future and don't ever let anyone diminish your fucking shine again.

    You are a warrior.


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