Second Chances


It's a disease that affects millions all over the world and I am sure that you know someone whose been impacted by it. Maybe you have personal experience with it. Maybe you are a lucky one who has survived it. 

I am one of those lucky ones. 

To hear your name attached to a word that is the deadliest disease known to mankind, is scary as hell. One doctors appointment, one pregnancy, one miracle diagnosis changed the trajectory of my life. At 26 years old, this was not how I saw my future. To be perfectly honest, I never thought in a million years this would be my life path. I guess I was naive or maybe I just took my health for granted. Either way, there is nothing in any book or movie that can prepare anyone for what happens to you when you get a medical diagnosis such as this. 

So many people think that one surgery, one medication or one diagnosis is no big deal. Well, I am here to prove you wrong. It's so much more than that. It's the dozens of doctors appointments, hundreds of blood draws, countless bruises and medications. Its mood swings, constant nausea, having no energy to get out of bed or even take a shower most days. Its depression, anxiety, headaches and massive weight gain. It makes you realize life is short and to appreciate all the small things.  

But you see, I wasn't ready to say goodbye. A short life was not in my cards. 

Friends, nine years ago today, was life altering in every way possible. After consulting with my oncologist and talking about next steps for weeks, we both decided that surgery was the best long term option. So on January 5th, 2012, I walked into the hospital, not knowing what was next, but knowing that it was my part of my fight. 

Nurse after nurse, doctor after doctor, more blood draws, more needles, more anxiety...I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember being wheeled into the operating room surrounded by a team of medical professionals whom I was trusting with my life. I remember they told me to count backwards from 100 and I made it to 98. I don't remember much after that except hearing the words "team, we've got this" as I drifted off to sleep.

My oncologist is my hero and I am forever thankful for her and her team.

Nine years ago, today, I got a second chance at life. Nine years ago, I joined a club I never wanted to be a part of, but I am so thankful for. Nine years ago, I became a survivor, a warrior, a fighter. 

And because of it all, today I get to celebrate my cancerversary date...and my plan is to celebrate it for many more years to come! 

Cheers to second chances!



  1. #survivor #badass #hero

    So so proud of you T!!! You’re a warrior!


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