Tired Mama

Dear Tired Mama,

     (yes, I'm talking to you) 

The one who wakes up first to prepare for the day.

The one who stays up after the kids go to bed, to enjoy just 20 minutes of alone time.

The one who chases tots all day while trying to clean, cook, and organize the family home.

The one who works outside the home and still has dinner on the table by 6pm. 

The one who has a spouse over seas and holds down the fort, solo, back at home.

The one who feels like a taxi, taking the kids to and from all the places.

The one who is a single mama, managing it all on her own.

The one who stresses about where the next meal will come from, or how to keep the power on. 

The one who goes without, so her kids can have more.

The one who hides in the closet and cries because she thinks no one can hear her.

The one who gives selflessly because she has more than enough.

The one whose friends are 2000 miles away with no family close by.

The one who is broken inside and is searching for a way to make the pain stop. 

Mama, I’m talking to you. It's been a rough year, and no one see more, does more, carries more than you do. It’s ok to cry. Scream. Go for a run. It's ok to take a long hot bath. Get a baby sitter. Go get your nails done. It ok to have a girls weekend. Lean on a friend. Take the long way to the store. It's ok to order out. Eat the dessert first. Be lazy. It's all ok...it's going to be ok. 

Mama, we need you to be ok, so do whatever you have to do. Take care of yourself. And always remember one thing...

YOU've got this. 



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