Little Miss Perfect

"She has the perfect life."

I am quite positive that I have thought these words out loud. Wished them over and over with hopes of future existence. Had that "I wanna be like her when I grow up" daydream. And yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. 

But it's true. 

I mean, she really is perfect. She has the perfect hair. The perfect smile. The perfect laugh. She is a free spirit and dances to the beat of her own drum. She is carefree and adventurous. She lives life on the edge. She pushes buttons and talks back...and always stands up for what is right. She is a fashionista to the max. She even looks adorable in sweats with messy buns! She is a strong and independent and I am just in awe of her everyday. 

She is my daughter. 

Some would say that I am giving her a complex by calling her perfect. I would say that I agree, if that was something I said to her face. But I don't. She doesn't hear that she is 'perfect' from me. And if you ask her what perfect means, she will tell you that there is no such thing as perfect. Perfect doesn't exist in her world. 

Instead she believes in beauty. Beautiful hearts. Beautiful smiles. Beautiful acts of service. Beautiful gifts. Beautiful dances. Beautiful creations. She believes in love. Lovely words. Lovely dresses. Love filled hugs. Love filled moments. She believes in friendship. Friendship bracelets. Friend sleepovers. Friendly bike rides. Friend filled days playing outside until the sun goes down. She believes in magic. Magic of Santa. Magic of the tooth fairy. Magical wishes to loved ones who are in heaven. She believes in family. Family game nights. Family walks. Family birthday celebrations. Family vacations. Family traditions. She believes in all the things that make her heart happy. 

But most of all...she believes in herself. 

So yes, in my eyes, she is little miss perfect. She is a dreamer, a doer, a wisher. She is brave, she is fierce and she is worthy. She knows what she wants and where she is going. She has all the things that she needs and rarely asks for more. She sips hot cocoa like a boss and turns every object into a creation. She has the most imaginative spirit and the kindest heart. She makes me so proud and I am so lucky to call her mine. I love her to the ends of the earth.

And yes,  I really do want to be like her when I grow up. 



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