Leap of Faith

Friends, have you ever done something spur of the moment and after you did it, you felt excited, invigorated and maybe a little crazy? 

Have you ever had that rush of emotions that just make you want to scream from the rooftops everything that you've been bottling up inside? The jump for joy kind of excitement? 

Have you ever chased a dream that you thought was out of reach and literally only happens to people in movies. You know, that "Perfect love story" or "Big promotion with corner office?" 

Have you ever felt cheated out of a situation or scenario that left you wanting to prove you're bigger, better and more badass than before? 

Well, today I did something big. 

I took a leap of faith and followed my heart. I made up my mind and told myself that I was worth it! My happiness and my dreams matter. My wants, my wishes and my desires for more in my life is worth it. I deserve greatness, appreciation, and all the rewards for putting myself on  the back burner for so many years. 

I dove head first. 

And just like everything in life, we wait and see what happens next. My gut says I did the right thing. My mind is racing and full of emotion. My heart is at peace with what will be. 

Because whatever will be, is meant for me. 

If you're on the fence and looking for a sign, my sweet friend, this is it. NOW is your time. Take the leap! YOU are the only person standing in your way! 



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