Happy December

Happy December, friends! 

I've been away for several days, and for that, I am sorry. I wasn't in a good head space to write and rather than have my hot mess of thoughts blurted out here, I saved you all the headache of trying to read it. However, I am feeling so much better today and I have so many things on my heart to share! 

The last few days have been a blur and while feeling both stressed and overwhelmed, yesterday my heart smiled because I realized what day it was...December 1st!! 

December 1st is one of the happiest days of the year for me; it's the day my kids and I put up our beautiful Christmas tree! Friends, Christmastime is my most favorite time of the year! I love the lights, giving presents, baking cookies and making gingerbread houses. I love putting up the lights on the house, decorating the tree, watching all the Christmas movies and drinking hot cocoa. I love the twinkle in my kids' eyes on Christmas morning, our yearly visit to Zoo lights and driving around looking at all the Christmas light displays we can find. 

BUT, aside from all that, my absolute favorite part about Christmastime, is making memories with my kids and experiencing the magic of the season. 

I know that this season can be hard for so many and for some, that pain will never go away. Missing loved ones, falling on hard times, stressed about all the things..I get it. I am so fortunate that is not my reality and I may not know personally how that feels, but I get it. And I know that when you love on people and show them you care, it makes all the difference. One of my greatest joys, is seeing people smile. Giving trees are my weakness. Toy drives make my heart happy. Sharing the spirit Christmas to those who need a little more cheer during the holidays is the best feeling...EVER!

What is your favorite time of the year? Are you a Christmas lover, like me, or are the holidays hard for you? 

My greatest wish is that the magic of Christmas brightens your spirits just a little bit more this year.  And if you need some help getting in the spirit of Christmas, just let me know. We could all use a little more cheer and love. 



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