
Showing posts from January, 2023

Sit with your Thoughts

Hey stranger. Long time no talk. I hope you are well.  It's about 6:50pm local time and pitch dark outside. I am sitting here in my car, listening to the rain tinging on the rooftop and watching it create the most interesting river on my windshield. Its a soccer training evening for my girl and usually I use this time to run errands, but today I'm choosing to write. I'm choosing to sit and be still with my thoughts, and let the words just flow through the keyboard. So much has been going on and time seems to be flying by way too fast. It's January 2023! How did we get here already? I wish there was a way to just pause time. Slow the world, the weeks, the days down just a bit. Make it all stop... If only.   As I sit here in the cold car, I find my mind spinning in so many different directions. From current life circumstances, to events of this past year, to the excitement of new opportunities that the new year holds, and all that's in between. There's just so muc